1) Pyongyang Foods 朝鲜族料理
当全世界对草木皆兵的朝鲜半岛投下了恐怖主义之名当儿,朝鲜政府极力推广朝鲜族之文化,目的是要向告诉全世界朝鲜是友善的民族,饮食文化是唯一推广的项目之一,很荣幸的是马来西亚开了两间朝鲜料理, 听说朝鲜政府在全世界只开了十二间而已,Pyongyang Restaurant 设在Mont Kiara SOHO 和Jalan Ampang.
Pyongyang restaurant is managed by the government of Pyongyang. You want bullet, bomb or GingSeng ? Oh, just kiding. It is one of the best Korea foods that even had. This restaurant is not for making money but it is one of the way of North Korea to promote their culture. You wont be dissapointed, guarantee .
White Kim Chi is one of the must order starter.
Similar to South Korea Foods, Cool dishes are complimentary.
This new year, GinSeng chicken soap is one of the best even tested. The ingrediant is 100% imported from PyongYang, North Korea. 人生鸡汤是招牌菜,100% 的人参是朝鲜进口。
Besides, enjoying good food, waitress are also imported from North Korea. Only selected girls especially with very good looking will be entitled to be served in this restaurant.
2) Strawberry Moment 草莓之恋
有哪位女生不爱吃草莓?如果来到怡保一定停下来尝尝草莓千层酥,甜在嘴里,爽在眼里,90% 都是潮女来捧场。
No girls are dislike strawberry. Come here to have a foods for your mouth and have a look for your eye because 90% customers are girls.
招牌菜:草莓千层酥 Strawberry Strudel
foods and goods are made of Strawberry.